Jesus died (and rose!) for this.

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The Eucatastrophe

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We all fail which is to be human. There's no one here who hasn't failed God at some point. The meek(humble) will inherit the Earth--as they should.

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Yes, it's not about triumph, it's about humility. Thanks!

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Sep 15Liked by Eugene Terekhin

Παραδιδομι is the word used for Judas handing over/betraying and also for handing down tradition. Take the link for what you will.

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Sep 15Liked by Eugene Terekhin

Yet, Matthew 27 indicates that Judas had second thoughts on his original action. He not only felt remorse for betraying innocent blood, but also threw the pieces of silver back at the Sanhedrin with clear contempt for what they were going to do. Then, he commits suicide. This is clearly indicative that Judas not only sees the error of his way, but takes the decisive action in order to save his soul. That is why he has a future destiny in the further course of human evolution. You see, karma is a major agent in bringing forth the reincarnated self. And Judas took his own life, which was duly recognized in the annals of redemption. Most of us don't have to pay such a drastic price for our future.

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I sincerely hope he had a chance to turn himself over. God's mercy is vast.

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Thank you for the post! Indeed, I wonder if all of the Christian life is about turning over ourselves to God. Or any spiritual life, regardless of religion-- after all, the meaning of the word "Islam" is "submission (to God)", if I recall correctly.

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Yes, indeed it is. I love this aspect of Islam!

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Sep 14Liked by Eugene Terekhin

There is evidence in Matthew 27 that Judas betrayed, but also turned:

3 Then when Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that He had been condemned, he felt remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, 4 saying, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” But they said, “What is that to us? See to that yourself!” 5 And he threw the pieces of silver into the temple sanctuary and departed; and he went away and hanged himself.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Author

Thanks, Steve! Yes, I sincerely hope he did. At the last moment, before taking his life. Despair is deep mystery. However, I have seen people in despair who turned their feelings over to God and lived.

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Sep 14Liked by Eugene Terekhin

Rudolf Steiner indicated that Judas reincarnated as an influential figure who helped bring Romanism into Christianity and Christianity into Romanism around the time of Emperor Constantine.

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If that's true, this would be insanely interesting, and a miracle of God, perhaps.

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Sep 15Liked by Eugene Terekhin

Do you mean reincarnation as a miracle? Christ took the disciples, Peter, James, and John, to the mountain and was transfigured right before their eyes, with Elijah and Moses appearing suddenly, as well. Then, they disappeared, and Jesus alone was standing there with His disciples. Coming down from the mountain, it was learned for the first time that Elijah had reincarnated as John the Baptist. Thus, the fact and necessity of reincarnation is meant to be known by Christianity.

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Yes, the reincarnation of Judas could perhaps be a miracle of God, and yet another way of God showing His power of redemption.

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