Sep 7Liked by Eugene Terekhin

Our society is just as silly as theirs - it's like looking at a reverse mirror image. I think we are beginning to see beyond the rational - I think people are starting to see that there are things science cannot explain and seek their answers elsewhere.

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Yes, unfortunately, it is true. Thanks!

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Sep 7Liked by Eugene Terekhin

It was funny, about the pituatiary gland))

I do believe though waking up is a miracle-I've quite a medieval mind, in this sense.

They say that sleep is one seventieth part of death, and maybe it is so, even though I don't know how they put together the numbers-but I'm bad at math, all numbers are miracle to me too, just an exhausting one.

Thank you for the post!

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I am like you. Numbers are miracles to me. Thanks!

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Sep 13Liked by Eugene Terekhin

I am reading a book called some anatomies of melancholy; it is like you said here, only opposite: everything negative in life is attributed to devils/demons. I have found myself wondering if there wasn’t some truth to some of the ideas.

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Interesting. Thank you. I think a lot of melancholy can be attributed to demonic forces. But it's all in the mind where the main fight between God and Satan takes place.

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Sep 8Liked by Eugene Terekhin

The eminent Russian philosopher, N.O. Lossky, who wrote the history of this movement back in 1951, remembers having a seminal experience in 1898, when he was in Saint Petersburg, and riding in a horse-drawn carriage through the foggy night. Suddenly, in a flash, it came to him in seeing how the fog had the effect of making things indistinct and blend into all else, and he had a primordial presentation:

"Everything is immanent in everything else". This became the cornerstone of his philosophy, which became known as "The Intuitive Basis of Knowledge" as early as 1906.

Now, Rudolf Steiner remembers having a seminal experience coming from the Russian Folk Soul as early as 1900, when V.S. Soloviev died on August 13th of that year. He would follow this Soul and Spirit across the Threshold in order to find out for the first time what the future destiny of the Russian Folk Soul is meant to be for the upcoming Age of Philadelphia. And, just twelve years later, Steiner would inform his Russian audience of the meaningful significance of their destiny when the Time of Christ arrives.


This plan is still slated to work for the future benefit of humanity every bit as much as the Palladium will find its way to Russia, as the rightful spiritual beneficiary. If you consider the work of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, who left Russia in 1917, they did more to advance the Russian cause of east-west transformation than anyone else. Why? Because they offered a system of Spiritual Science.

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Thank you for this! I am familiar with Lossky and Solovyov and see how this line of thinking unfolds through them. The Russian folk Soul is an interesting reality. It's certainly part of national mentality and deep into the intuitive knowledge.

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Sep 7Liked by Eugene Terekhin

The mind then is the battleground.

Who can blame the old Soviets for using correct ideology to influence against God? God himself would applaud them, for the example you provide.

While I get your point, and like it, I would like to add that both the medieval mind and the mecanistic mind end the same. Without light. And to the understanding mind, the words light and darkness have a profound meaning-

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Great observations! I totally agree. I am grateful to the Soviet for ridiculing God because they ended up ridiculing a caricature, a man-made idol. As a side effect, they elevated truth, goodness, and beauty - the true God. They strove for the opposite effect though. And yes, the medieval mind had its flaws. By overspiritualizing, they often confused true spirituality with magic - ascribing magical powers to sacred objects for example. Thanks!

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