I am working through Saving the Appearances, at your encouragement. I already had read Barfield's Poetic Diction and Nighttime Operation. Have you compared these ideas with Blaise Pascal? His idea of the 'hidden God' (through parables) gets at the same idolatry of seeing only the representations and not the transcendent reality behind them. His word for seeking meaning and satisfaction in the finite images is 'concupiscence.' Only through the infinite God can our ultimate satisfaction come.

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I have not looked into Pascal very deep but I like some of his quotes very much. Interesting that in the Psalms, it says, He wraps himself in light as with a garment, meaning that the light is his covering. He is hiding behind what is revealed. I wrote a fairy tale years ago about an evil queen named Concupiscence. Got this term from Augustin.

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