So beautiful; it brought smiles to my face to read :)

My husband and I (who like to live in our comfy little hobbit hole and can have trouble "giving up time" to make plans with friends) always comment after hanging out with people how better we feel. It truly is refreshing and life-giving to live an outward focused life. And as you described, just hanging out and shooting the breeze like we did when we were kids with our friends turns into something magical! Praise the Lord!

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Praise the Lord indeed! Thanks, Joellen.

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Water comes from above as you said, the North Star area—the 2 bears. It is attracted to the magnetic mountain of the north and then flows out from the 4 rivers of paradise onto and into the earth.

The swastika shows the counterclockwise motion it follows which is why native Americans would do a rain dance by moving in a counterclockwise circle and praying & chanting.

They were bringing down the rain from heaven.

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